Getting to know the NTSM Team: Aleks

This ladies man is originally from Russia, so it’s safe to say that he is well versed in two languages, wait, make that three, if you consider computer code a language which we definitely do! He’s our resident IT genius and joined NTSM because he loves the people he gets to work with and the new experiences that NTSM movement brings.

Aleks short for Aleksandr is a believer in continuous improvement, when we asked him what his favorite accomplishment was his response was that he doesn’t have one yet as he is constantly bettering himself. One thing he is constantly trying to improve is his skill with Regex aka regular expression. No, not RBF which may have been our first thought but computer code. 

Aleks friends would describe him as kind, caring, and communicative. But if you ask Bowie, she would also add that Aleks is an ExtrAvert because he’s so Extra. When asked what’s one thing you would never do again, Aleks response was “I’ll never drink like I’m 18 again,” Boy, we wonder what he got up to back then! 

It comes as no surprise that this handsome man loves acting and regularly does background acting when not busy juggling his other work schedules. He is also learning piano, we definitely can’t wait to hear some serenades from him soon. Maybe with enough comments we can get him to show off some of his skills. 



Personal Motto: Enjoy Every Moment

Favorite Book: Too many to list

Favorite Movie: Too many to list

Favorite Meal: Too many to list

How many steps are in your skincare routine: 3 steps

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