Amethyst is one of the best crystals for meditation. It carries a high, sweet energy, particularly stimulating to the Third Eye, Crown, and Etheric Chakras.
It is highly conducive to stillness of one’s thoughts in prayer and meditation and surrendering to that which is greater than the self. It also stimulates the higher mind to receive one’s spiritual power as a creation of the Divine being and to open to the insights, wisdom, and guidance that is offered. This pendant can be kept alongside your other crystals or placed on a chain to wear around your neck throughout the day.
*Please note that due to the nature of our products each piece is unique and therefore varies in shape and size. Our sizing of the stones are close approximations.
When used:
It can provide spiritual protection and purification; cleansing one’s energy field of negative influences and attachments. It creates a resonant shield of spiritual Light around the body. Additionally, it acts as a barrier against lower energies, psychic attack, geopathic stress, and unhealthy environments. It is a valuable protection for those doing psychic or intuitive work. This is because it enhances personal environments with a healing and protective circle of Light.